flespi.io http stream receiver (PHP+MySQL)
Start server
Just copy index.php
file to your preconfigured nginx or apache (or another http server) with PHP and MySQL support into /post
(or another) subdirectory.
Then create a new table in your database to handle messages.
CREATE TABLE message_receiver.php_message_listener (
ident varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`server.timestamp` DOUBLE NOT NULL,
`position.longitude` DOUBLE NULL,
`position.latitude` DOUBLE NULL,
`timestamp` DOUBLE NULL,
`position.altitude` DOUBLE NULL,
`position.direction` DOUBLE NULL,
`position.speed` DOUBLE NULL,
`position.satellites` INT NULL,
CONSTRAINT php_message_listener_PK PRIMARY KEY (ident,`server.timestamp`,`timestamp`)
You can change columns as you wish. But then you should change the respective insert query in index.php
Edit MySQL config lines:
$mysql_host = 'localhost';
$mysql_user = 'root';
$mysql_password = 'password';
$mysql_db = 'message_receiver';
$mysql_table = 'php_message_listener';
Stream configuration
configuration: http
uri: http://yourserver/post